The Just Transition Development Programme 2021-2027 with a total budget of 1,63 billion euros, is co-financed by the Just Transition Fund (JTF) and implemented under the Cohesion Policy. The Programme contributes to the single specific objective of JTF, enabling regions and people to address the social, employment, economic and environmental impacts of the transition towards the Union’s 2030 targets for energy and climate and a climate-neutral economy of the Union by 2050, based on the Paris Agreement.
The JTD Programme focuses on supporting specific areas of the country affected by the cessation of lignite activity and the phasing out of inefficient and highly polluting autonomous power stations using fuel oil and diesel. The intervention areas are defined in the 3 TJTPs, in accordance with the criteria set out in Article 11 of Regulation JTF: The Regions of Western Macedonia, North Aegean, South Aegean, Crete and the wider area of Megalopoli in the Peloponnese Region.
The Programme includes a coherent set of measures, providing a new impetus for the affected territories. It focuses on the transformation of local economies, on the support of investments leading to economic diversification and modernization, and on direct support and employment promotion measures for human resources affected by the transition.
Priorities and indicative actions:
Greece is the first country to have its Just Transition Fund Programme and plans adopted by the European Commission; thereby raising the transition towards a climate-neutral economy in a fair and sustainable way, into a national priority.